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Cookie Policy
Cookie Policy Text
1. Introduction
As Genç Kartal Madeni Eşya San.Tic.Ltd.Şti, we use cookies to improve the experience of our users who visit our website and to provide our services more effectively. This Cookie Policy aims to provide information about the cookies used on our website and to provide a transparent experience to our users.
2. What are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files that websites place on your device through browsers. These files are used to remember information about the website you visit. Cookies can be used to fulfill a number of purposes such as increasing user experience, performing analysis and improving service quality.
3. Types of Cookies Used
The following types of cookies are used on our website:
3.1. Mandatory Cookies:
These cookies are essential to ensure the basic functions of our website. Without these cookies, it is not possible for our website to function properly.
3.2. Analytical Cookies:
These cookies are used to analyze the use of our website and measure its performance. This allows us to understand which parts of our website attract more attention and to improve our content.
3.3. Functional Cookies:
These cookies are used to remember certain functions of our website. For example, they help our website provide you with a personalized experience by remembering your preferences.
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